The Queensland Government will aim to help more than 24,000 Queensland job-seekers into work with a $104.5 million investment in the 2011-2012 State Budget for the Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative.

Employment, Skills and Mining Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said the funding would provide jobs and training to people facing significant barriers to finding work.

“There’s no doubt that heavy investment in the mining and resource sectors is putting pressure on our workforce,” Mr Hinchliffe said.

“The Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative is aimed at helping people who can work, but who face significant barriers when it comes to entering the workforce.

“It’s a $104.5 million investment to get all hands on deck. We’ve helped more than 24,000 people this financial year and I’m pleased to say that help is going to continue.

“Participants get jobs and training in fields like construction, horticulture, retail, hospitality, administration, community services and aged care so they can join the workforce and increase the pool of skilled workers available to industry.

“Many of these projects are also aimed at flood and cyclone recovery so the community is not only receiving a boost in terms of jobs and skills, it’s also benefiting from vital recovery work.”

British political economist Professor Richard Higgott has been appointed by Murdoch University as its sixth Vice Chancellor and President.

Indigenous education plan released

The Queensland Government has announced that year 7 will be incorporated to the state’s high school education system as of 2015.

The Victorian Government has opened a  $10 million Trade Training Centre in Bendigo, aimed at providing trade training to over 4000 students .

The Federal Government has announced a $97.7 million package for the education sector under the fifth round of funding under the National Partnerships scheme.

The Victorian Government has announced the opening of the Advanced Manufacturing Precinct at RMIT University with an aim to assist Victorian companies develop sustainable products.

The Federal Minister for Early Childhood and Youth, Peter Garrett, has released the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Universal Access Strategy, which addresses issues in early childhood education in the Indigenous community.

Senator Gavin Marshall, the chairman of the Senate Education Committee,  has told a Senate estimates hearing that he is concerned about the Scripture Union’s participation in the National School Chaplaincy Program (NSCP) after he attacked the group’s stance on homosexuality.

The Australian Research Council (ARC) has announced nearly $7 million in funding for Monash University after it was announced that 24 ARC Linkage grants were awarded in Round 2 of the scheme.

NewSouth Innovations Pty Ltd (NSi), the commercialisation arm of the University of NSW, has appointed a new chief executive, Dr Kevin Cullen.

Legislation is currently before the Federal Parliament that will enact a key recommendation of the Bradley Review, enabling student demand-driven funding of universities.

The Australian Computer Society (ACS) has praised the Federal Government’s Digital Economy Strategy, saying it is a strong ‘national blueprint’ that will 'maximize the National Broadband Network (NBN) investment and meet the economic, social and environmental challenges of the 21st century.’

The Federal Government has awarded AMEP Flexible Learning Network (AMEP FLN) the first contract to deliver distance/e-learning English language services for the Adult Migrant Learning Program (AMLP).

Data published by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations shows that the export income from international education activity contributed $18.3 billion to the Australian economy in 2010.

The Federal Government has reported an increase in Vocational Education and Training (VET) student numbers, with 1.8 million students nationwide now enrolled in the system.

Latest analysis by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations reveals that in just 12 months, the number of inner regional students receiving a Youth Allowance payment has risen by 4 250, an increase of 20 per cent.

Victorian and New South Wales Auditors-General have reported on the financial health of the higher education sectors of their respective states, finding that universities are in good financial shape after hearings in the states’ parliaments.

An innovative new tool designed to improve university/business research interaction has been launched by Group of Eight Australia.

The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) has announced it will launch the My University website by the end of 2011, with plans to start initial usability testing by July.

The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) has released the Australian Jobs 2011 report, outling an expected growth of 10.9%, or 95,700 jobs, across the education industry over the coming five years.

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