The Group of Eight universities have released a policy paper commenting on the Federal Government’s Higher Education Support Act Amendment (Demand-Driven System and Other Measures) Bill, currently before Parliament, which will uncap the supply of Commonwealth supported places (CSPs) in universities, as recommended by the Bradley Review.

The legislation qualifies the commitment to uncap places by setting up mechanisms to limit growth in places and Commonwealth spending, should this become necessary in the future

While the Group of Eight’s paper regards this as ‘sensible public policy’ to control fiscal impact and poorly planned growth, it expresses concern that “the Bill continues to rely completely on the public university sector to accommodate growth in demand at common funding rates.”

Funding of  $4.5 million has been awarded to the Defence Teaming Centre to create 2,300 new training places to boost skills and qualifications for South Australia's defence industries.

A nine-member Reference Group has been established by the Tasmanian Government to investigate the viability of Tasmanian Government schools.

The Federal Government has launched its $558 million National Workforce Development Fund with the aim of providing 130,000 Australians with the opportunity to learn new skills for sectors that are currently experiencing skills shortages.

The Queensland State Government has announced its approval of the merger of Central Queensland University (CQU) and Central Queensland Institute of TAFE (CQIT).

The Australian Health Services Research Institute (AHSRI) at the University of Wollongong has won a bid to evaluate the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden National Project that aims to positively influence food choices among children.

The University of New England and the University of Sydney have launched a new program to improve access to higher education, with the first students under the ‘Alternative Entry Pathway’ to commence in 2012.



Under the ‘Alternative Entry Pathway’ opportunity, which will be offered jointly by the partner universities, current Year 12 students from more than 60 eligible high schools in Sydney and on the NSW coast (full list available at can apply to study the first year of selected degrees on campus at the University of New England.



In year two of their degree students can transition to the University of Sydney, provided they have made satisfactory progress in their first year of study in approved majors and units at the University of New England.



The Alternative Entry Pathway relies on a school’s assessment of a student’s ability to cope with study at university, rather than their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) or equivalent. The assessment is based on personal attributes, such as the student’s ability to work and learn independently, as well as a judgment about the student’s potential for academic success at university.



The intention of the arrangement is to grant greater access for students who are eligible for Youth Allowance, who are disadvantaged by their background or geographic location, and who are assessed to be capable of achieving academic success.



For each Alternative Entry Pathway student, both institutions will be offering additional academic support to facilitate a transition to university study. Scholarships and sponsorships are also available.

New South Wales Minister for Education Adrian Piccoli has announced that the School Certificate will be abolished as of 2012.

The ACT Government has published a report into the future of the University of Canberra (UC) and the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT), finding that given the significant changes in national tertiary education, it is not an option for Canberra's CIT and UC to continue to operate in their current form.

The University of Newcastle’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic and Global Relations Professor Kevin McConkey has been appointed to chair the Shangri-La University Alliance (SUA).

University of New England vice-chancellor Jim Barber has called on the Federal Government to consider reducing HECS charges for students at regional universities in the event of price deregulation.

Macquarie University has announced plans to cut 70 jobs from its payroll due to dwindling international enrolments for 2012 semesters.

New exchange programs for academics and college principals were among a range of initiatives designed to foster higher education links between Australia and India announced by Minister for Tertiary Education, Senator Chris Evans.

The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) has launched, with the Federal Government expressing its confidence in the new agency in describing ‘a new era of quality’ for higher education in Australia.

The Tasmanian State government has announced that all state schools will move to a four term year as of 2013.

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh has announced plans to answer questions from the public about the state of Queensland, including the State Government’s Flying Start initiative, during People’s Question Time on Friday 12th August.

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has published its research into apprentices and trainees for the 2010 year.

The Australian Technology Network has received backing from the Group of Eight universities to establish a measure of research that could eventually determine funding in the future for the field.

The Commonwealth Ombudsman has urged the Federal Government to improve the management and oversight of the $222 million National School Chaplaincy Program.

RMIT University has announced a partnership with Oxfam Australia to produce a toolkit that will assist communities in the Asia-Pacific region adapt and respond to climate change.

The Australian Catholic University has spent $53 million in purchasing a North Sydney office tower as it prepares to up its student intake this year.

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