Archived News for Education Sector Professionals - April, 2020
A new study suggests meeting the Paris Agreement goals would benefit the world's economy in the long-term.
Reef studies funded
An ambitious $150 million research and development program has been announced for the Great Barrier Reef.
Stats show edge of outbreak
Australia's official unemployment rate is yet to show the full effect of the COVID-19 shutdown.
Tehan extends higher help
The Education Minister says a higher education relief package is “unashamedly” focused on domestic students.
Uni smoothes virtual move
The University of Canberra has created a new program to help smooth the sudden transition to a virtual campus.
Sub staff studied
For people locked down around Australia, there may be some lessons to learn from submariners.
String tied to Neanderthal yarn
The discovery of the oldest known piece of string shows Neanderthals were even more advanced than once believed.
Online training translates
An online driver training course has been shown to reduce speeding and improve driving ability.
Tech giants take on tracing
Apple and Google are working to build contact tracing technology into their operating systems.
Uni turns to mask production
Expert teams have come up with new methods for the rapid production of desperately needed medical equipment.
NT teachers paid to stay
Northern Territory teachers are being offered $500 to stay local this Easter.
Tehan threatens schools
The Federal Government says it will withdraw funding from schools that refuse to open for the second school term.
Unis clear Year 12 path
Universities are working with governments to ensure Year 12s have a clear path to tertiary education in 2021.
Database puts experts on tap
Australia’s leading science academies have come together to launch a COVID-19 expert database.
Online shift attracts students
Southern Cross University (SCU) has seen an increase in enrolments after shifting its courses online.
Trainee bullying tallied
Ophthalmologists say a majority of trainees experience bullying and harassment at some point.
Child safety flaws found in QLD
A review has found flaws in the complaints system used by Queensland’s child safety department.
Childcare help outlined
The Federal Government says it will guarantee a set income to all childcare centres over the next six months.
Oldest erectus uncovered
An international team led by Australian researchers has unearthed the earliest known skull of Homo erectus.