Archived News for Education Sector Professionals - October, 2012
The New South Wales Government has announced teachers can now access syllabuses - including Australian curriculum content – online.
Universities worried by research funding freeze
Australian universities are becoming increasingly concerned over the impacts of Federal Government’s freeze on its grant programs, with many institutions saying the freeze undermines their ability to plan and invest in critical research and teaching programs.
Government releases childhood report
The Federal Government has released its annual report into the state of Australian children, concluding that children from low-socioeconomic families are significantly less likely to believe in their educational potential.
Horrigan named Monash's new Law Dean
The Monash University has announced renowned researcher and legal consultant Professor Bryan Horrigan as its new Dean of the Faculty of Law.
New tool for students
The Federal Government has released a new online research tool for students wanting to find about student payments, including Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY.
Nation's top science students lauded
A student who’s novel approach to developing a vaccine that could render chlamydia a harmless bacteria is just one of the country’s recently named top science students at the 2012 AusBiotech/GSK Student Excellence Awards.
New centre for analytics launches
Deakin University and IBM have announced the launch of the new Centre for Excellence in Business Analytics.
Tasmania announces skills fund
The Tasmanian Government is calling for applications from public and private training organisations for a ‘major skills program’ aimed at reducing the skills shortage and increasing the state’s productivity.
CQU to shut down Gold Coast presence
The Central Queensland University (CQU) has announced it will shut down its Gold Coast campus, citing growing competition and a precipitous decline in international student numbers.
Queensland strikes teacher pay deal
The Queensland Government has announced it has reached an agreement with the Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU) that will see the state’s teachers receive a 2.7 per cent pay rise per year for the next three years.
NCVER details value of qualification completion
The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has published a new report that shows that students generally benefit from completing a vocational qualification, although the pay-off varies.
New Chief Scientist position for DEEWR
The Federal Government has announced that a new Chief Scientist position will be created within the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) to increase the role of social science and evidence in future policy development.
Tasmania releases Years 11 and 12 discussion paper
The Tasmanian Government has released a discussion paper covering possible ways to improve the future provision of Years 11 and 12 education in regional Tasmania.
AHRC urges international student's rights protection
The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has released a new set of principles aimed at ensuring that the rights of international students are observed by organisations.
TAFE SA to take on new role in November
The South Australian Government has announced that TAFE SA will officially become a statutory corporation from November 1, as part of the government’s Skills for All package of reforms to vocational education and training.
Funding boom for NT skills
The Federal and Northern Territory Government have announced the formation of new partnership aimed at revitalising the Territory’s skills sector with key reforms to be implemented over the next five years.
World University Rankings published
The Times World University Rankings 2012-13 has been published, with the USA’s California Institute of Technology taking out the world’s number one spot, with a 95.5 ranking.
Australian Vocational Student Prize nominations open
Nominations for the Australian Vocational Student Prize (AVSP) are now open, with Federal Minister for School Education Peter Garrett calling on schools to nominate students for the Prize.
Tasmania to roll out sexuality and relationships education strategy
The Tasmanian Government has announced the release of a new Relationships and Sexuality Education Strategy for all State Government schools from Kindergarten to Year 12.