WA to shift school paths
The WA Government is seeking to reform senior secondary pathways.
The state has released its Pathways to Post-School Success Expert Panel Report. designed to ensure that pathways for post-school study, training, or employment meet students' diverse needs and aspirations.
Led by the Department of Education in partnership with Catholic Education Western Australia and the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia, the review was designed to ensure that current systems, including ATAR and vocational education and training (VET), are accessible, inclusive, and fit for purpose.
Education Minister Dr Tony Buti says “it is important that students have everything they need to reach their full potential and secondary school pathways that will help them to prepare for the range of further study, training, and work options available to them”.
Among its key recommendations, the blueprint proposes making more VET qualifications eligible for ATAR calculations, providing WASSAs for students who leave school before Year 12, and expanding career education support, especially in regional and lower socio-economic areas.
It further recommends stronger inclusive practices for students with disabilities and those at risk of disengagement.
The report suggests creating courses similar to New South Wales’ Skills course and adding a new level within the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) tailored to students with disabilities.
Dr Buti thanked Professor Bill Louden and the expert panel for their work on the review, saying it would help create “a system that is catering for the diversity of students in our secondary schools”.
The review encourages reshaping secondary education to focus on students’ varied post-school options and goals, rather than categorising them by assessments.
It proposes adopting learning goals to guide course design and enhancing the value placed on diverse achievements.
Further recommendations include assessing resource needs to fully fund these changes and strengthening partnerships across educational and industry sectors.