Archived News for Education Sector Professionals
WA’s Education Department has released a damning review after a horror semester at the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School.
Skills Minister pledges no TAFEs to close
Rainbowfish future put to the people
Fish and ecology experts are working to prevent the extinction of the tiny and incredibly rare native rainbowfish.
Innovation expected in renewed era
Some of Australia’s top minds want the new Turnbull cabinet to maintain its focus.
Next-gen apps to augment safety
Critics see Pokemon Go as a danger on the road, but could it keep drivers safe?
Kick drums to kill imbalance
Australia’s top eight universities have launched a new music video to highlight engineering as a career for women.
Unique court case hears bold claims
The ACCC’s legal case against the training group Unique International College continues this week.
More measures to protect sacred sites
The Northern Territory Government has received 39 recommendations to improve the protection of sacred sites.
Small stations see cuts in WA
The WA Government has released its long-awaited plan for remote Aboriginal communities.
AIDs fading fast
Australia’s top scientists have declared “the end of AIDS” as a public health issue in Australia.
DIY brain boosts decried
Australians have helped put a new mark on the scale of ‘Things-You-Shouldn’t-Need-Scientists-To-Tell-You’.
New clinic to fill jab gaps
A special clinic will specifically target children who are not vaccinated due to complex medical conditions.
TAFE takes defensive line
TAFE New South Wales has been criticised for commissioning a $90,000 report on its rivals.
Big gaps in trade fees revealed
Insiders say there is a massive disparity between the fees charged to WA public high school students studying trade subjects.
Family Court judge wants smoother transitions
The Chief Justice of the Family Court wants to make it easier and less stressful for transgender children to access hormones.
Headspace faces executive exodus
There is chaos at the top of Headspace, a national youth mental health foundation.
Braille crossings making Sydney safer
Sydney will soon feature the world's most comprehensive network of braille and tactile signs for the visually-impaired.