Archived News for Education Sector Professionals - September, 2024
New legislation has been created to address harmful misinformation and disinformation on digital platforms.
Jail time for doxing proposed
Australia is set to introduce new legislation aimed at doxing and other forms of online harassment.
New uni ombud coming
The government is establishing an independent Ombudsman to tackle sexual violence in universities.
Citizens sweep Murray-Darling species
Citizen scientists have made new findings on threatened fish species in the Murray-Darling Basin.
School safety scheme launched
A government program seeks to address violence against teachers in Queensland.
Billions aimed at violence
National Cabinet has agreed to a $4.7 billion plan to tackle the growing crisis of family and gender-based violence.
Many needed for early education
A severe shortage of early childhood educators is pushing Australia’s care sector to the brink.
Remote funds renewed
Up to $45 million will go to extending scholarships for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
Union slams census switch
The CPSU says significant parts of the community will not be recognised in the upcoming census.
New modellers for MDBA
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority is collaborating with state governments to enhance river modelling expertise ...
Phone cancer claims denied
Mobile phones do not cause brain cancer, a major WHO-backed study confirms.
Court reviewers appointed
A new review will assess the effectiveness of Australia’s Family Court system.
Remote turnover assessed
Experts have reviewed the extreme staff turnover in remote health services.