Archived News for Education Sector Professionals - August, 2015
A world in which humans share their homes and workplaces with robots is coming, and local researchers are looking to smooth the transition.
Local team takes high-tech title again
Australia has again taken out the most prestigious prize in the world of robot soccer.
Concern about perfection doesn't pay
Many people describe themselves as the type of person who needs everything to be “done right”, but this urge for perfection could carry some severe costs.
Startling study as call for mental support
A new survey suggests hundreds of thousands of Australian children and teenagers are experiencing serious mental health issues, but their parents are none the wiser.
Union division on Work Choices or not
A war of words is brewing as to whether a review of industrial relation is a return to Work Choices.
Vaccine turn-around hinges on reiteration
It might not be possible to convince someone who believes that vaccines cause autism that they do not.
Cashless welfare card in swipe at social reform
A trial has been launched for a cashless welfare card in one South Australian town, which community leaders say will save lives.
Graduate gives big gift to old digs
A former Monash University economics graduate has provided a $5.2 million gift to support mental health research at Monash University.
Google's robo-car checklist revealed
Google has applied for patents that could let its autonomous cars choose not to drive.
Solar mega-drone to boost 'net access
Facebook has unveiled its first full-scale, solar-powered, internet-broadcasting drone.