Archived News for Education Sector Professionals - November, 2020
An Australian telescope has scanned over 3 million galaxies to create a new atlas of the Universe.
Autism report bring best options
Experts have published the best available high-quality evidence about interventions for children on the autism spectrum.
Modern eyes on ancient moves
Australian researchers have used high-tech methods to map the movements of Chinese farmers over 3,500 years ago.
Norman slammed for school call
There are calls to boycott Harvey Norman after a shop linked to billionaire Gerry Harvey called for volunteers to work without pay.
Oration urges deep links
Experts say it is more important than ever to learn from ancient Australian cultures.
Safety nets saved 500k
Research shows JobKeeper, JobSeeker and Coronavirus Supplement saved 500,000 families from financial distress.
New head for plasma lab
ANSTO has appointed one of the world’s leading plasma accelerator experts as its Leader of the Centre for Accelerator Science.
Big funds for school health
Victoria has announced a $1.6 billion package for extra disability support in public schools.
Cuts push regional move
A new scheme will see medical schools stripped of Commonwealth-supported places ...
Robodebt rests with PM
Analysis shows the Federal Government’s Robodebt failure is very much Scott Morrison’s problem.
Sponges share expression
Scientists have peered back hundreds of millions of years to find a genetic link between humans and sponges.
Study plots cosmic brains
Italian researchers have found some surprising links between the structures of the universe and the human brain.
ASIO warns of online grooming
ASIO has launched a public awareness campaign about foreign spies on social media.
PC reports on mental cost
The Productivity Commission says mental illness costs the Australian economy $220 billion each year.
Call to cut junk ads
Health authorities want the WA Government to ban junk food ads on public transport and other government property.
Climate report card released
The State of the Climate 2020 reports shows continued warming and an increase in extreme weather.
Papers show rural gaps
An inquiry has called for all Australian students to have access to quality education, no matter where they live.