States sorting new Safe Schools

The Government will replace Safe Schools with a broader anti-bullying strategy in public schools when the initial scheme’s funding runs out in June.
NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes said the Federal Government’s decision not to renew funding for the programme meant the state had to come up with its own idea.
While it says it will continue providing support for LGBTQI students, the NSW Government says the broader programme would help even more students and parents feel that their schools are a safe environment.
The governments of Victoria and the ACT have pledged to fund the Safe Schools plan on their own.
Former prime minister Tony Abbott commended NSW’s decision.
“Good that NSW is scrapping so called Safe Schools, a social engineering programme dressed up as anti-bullying,” Mr Abbott tweeted.
Opposition leader Bill Shorten said it is “important that children go to school and are not bullied on the basis of their sexuality”.
“Labor won’t take a backwards step from the principle that our teenagers going to school need every help to free from bullying.”