Research conducted by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) indicates that pre-vocational training exponentially increases the likelihood of an students completing apprenticeships.


The research finds that young people who leave school after Year 11 are more likely to complete a traineeship if they finish a pre-vocational course beforehand.


Dr Tom Karmel, Managing Director, NCVER said pre-vocational training should be targeted towards those who don’t want to complete Year 12.


“Trainees in occupations such as sales, labouring and clerical and administrative work are more likely to complete their training if they have already done pre-vocational study,” Dr Karmel said.


“However, pre-vocational courses reduce the likelihood of trainees in higher skilled occupations such as managers, professionals and community and personal service workers from going on and finishing their training.


“People who want to work in these types of jobs would be better off directly entering a traineeship, especially if they have completed high school.”


 Pre-vocational programs and their impact on traineeship completion and satisfaction by Damian Oliver and Tom Karmel, NCVER, is available from