Midwives are training paramedics to improve maternity care in NSW. 

Over 100 NSW paramedics have upgraded their capabilities in handling emergency maternity situations through a specialised training program. 

This initiative is a collaborative effort between the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (NBMLHD) and NSW Ambulance.

The training, conducted at Nepean Hospital’s Birth Unit, involves a comprehensive one-day placement where paramedics are paired with experienced midwives. 

The focus of the program is to prepare paramedics for unexpected childbirths and related emergencies in community settings. 

A typical training day includes hands-on experience in managing various birthing scenarios, including vaginal and water births, as well as emergency caesareans. 

Participants also learn crucial interventions for obstetric emergencies such as shoulder dystocia.

“For midwives, provision of labour and birth care are day to day experiences, but paramedics experience labour and birth less often in the community,” says Health Minister Ryan Park.

“This training ensures that our paramedics are best placed to provide care and treatment in these circumstances, fostering improved health outcomes.”

Dr. Dominic Morgan, Chief Executive of NSW Ambulance, has emphasised the value of the partnership with Nepean Hospital, describing it as a means to “further optimise maternity care in the local community”,

Kerry Tosswill, a midwife and Divisional Manager of Women and Children’s Health at Nepean Hospital, has praised the initiative for its innovative approach to health education. 

“This program is a great opportunity for these two highly skilled professional groups to come together to learn and share knowledge to improve patient care. The program is leading quality improvements to ensure safer patient care through partner agency engagement and inter-professional learning,” she said.