Over 700 human rights advocates have urged the Australian Government to introduce a Human Rights Act. 

At the Free + Equal Human Rights Conference in Sydney, presented by the Australian Human Rights Commission more than 60 experts voiced their support for the reform.

“I call on the Australian Government to introduce a Human Rights Act to ensure all people and communities across Australia are treated fairly and have their rights protected.,” the statement reads. 

Key benefits of the proposed Act include:

  • Increase protection for a range of rights which are not sufficiently protected under existing laws.  

  • Require politicians and public officials to consider all relevant rights when making laws and implementing policies and programs.  

  • Ensure people have a process to resolve breaches of rights through pathways to the Australian Human Rights Commission and, if necessary, the courts.  

  • Empower every person in Australia with access to a common tool for justice.  

  • Express all rights in one document, significantly improving awareness and understanding of our rights. 

Jennifer Robinson, an international barrister, and Michael Kirby, a former High Court judge, delivered a compelling keynote address at the summit.

They urged the government to adopt the parliamentary committee's recommendations, including the Human Rights Act, and called for political unity in supporting human rights protections in Australia.

More details are accessible here.