Victoria Police has pledged to implement 79 significant reforms by the end of 2025 in response to findings from the Yoorrook Justice Commission, Victoria's Indigenous truth-telling inquiry.

Google has introduced a new tool for Australian users, ‘Results about you’.

The NSW Government has announced a $230 million domestic violence prevention and support package.

A new study suggests the near-collapse of Earth's magnetic field may have contributed to complex life.

Researchers have developed what they call a ‘Sperm Whale Phonetic Alphabet’.

Citizen scientists are helping ecosystem recovery on Kangaroo Island.

A new training program is designed to empower Aboriginal rangers in water management.

Millions should soon see a decrease in their student debt.

A global study has reviewed the global, life-saving impact of vaccines.

Plans for changes at the South Australian Museum have triggered criticism for all sides.

Queensland is scrapping its policy for detention as a last resort for children.

A study by e61 Institute has examined the decisions that drive Australia’s gender pay gap.

A former Defence chief says climate risks have been overlooked in Australia’s National Defence Strategy.

The Federal Government has announced its new, $925 million Leaving Violence Program (LVP).

A new study has unveiled insights into the migration patterns of the first humans to the landmass that became Australia.

Australia is expanding water quality monitoring from space.

The Australian government has invested $1 billion in the US-based quantum computer startup, PsiQuantum.

The Government wants public input on a plan to expand the eSafety Commissioner’s powers.

A government committee has called for a $17 per day increase in JobSeeker payments.

A new study sets a timetable for optimal daily activity.

A spike in tertiary education loan costs has prompted more calls for reform.

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For the last few weeks we have been bogged down in the very Earthly matters of royalty, budgets, politics, humanity and celebrity - all good prompts to look away, up into the infinite. 

Health authorities, politicians and scientists have been slowly introducing the world to the concept of ‘One Health’ - an all-inclusive approach to health that extends from the human body right through the global environment. 

This year’s Nobel Prizes honour discoveries that unwind our notion of truth, our understanding of ourselves and the human story, the complexities of cells and the very basics of the universe. 

XENOTRANSPLANTATION - sounds like something that would happen to an ill-fated crew member in Star Trek, but it is also a technical term for using non-human parts to treat or enhance our own bodies. 

Even though many of us have been forced indoors, the COVID-19 crisis is eroding our privacy.

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